TREC # 20784


Buying a new home does not have to be scary! Call  Red Ladder Home Inspection for a truly thorough home inspection!  I am Well and Septic certified! I collect water samples and have them tested!

I am an off duty firefighter working hard to protect YOU, the buyer! I also offer pre listing home inspections for sellers and new construction inspections.

Why should you choose me?

  • I walk the roof, not just view it with binoculars.
  • I inspect inside the attic, not just from the top of the stairs.
  • I inspect thoroughly, no matter how long it takes.
  • I will answer all your questions and teach you about taking care of your new home.


Call Me

Home Inspection  today

Available 7 days a week!

Well and Septic certified!

Water samples collected and tested!

(817) 637 8822